Elevate Your Next Event with SOS Entertainment – Event Hire Professionals

3in1 games inflatable sports arena hire

Planning an event can be both exciting and challenging. Organising a community celebration, a corporate gathering, staff family day, charity fundraiser, sporting awards event or even a themed festival? Whatever the event, the key to success is ensuring that your guests have an unforgettable experience. And that’s where SOS Entertainment comes in. With all his […]

Our Commitment to Community: Inflatables for Events

SOS Entertainment inflatables for events

At SOS Entertainment, Sean’s always eager to supply inflatables for events. For charity and community causes, he often reduces prices or provides extra special deals. Recently, he was delighted to be approached to supply inflatables on a very different basis; instead of being paid a hire fee, Sean was asked to provide inflatables at a […]

All Aboard for SOS Entertainment’s Latest Charity Sponsorship

SOS charity sponsorship for PLIRB

What does SOS have in common with an independent rescue boat charity?  They both respond to an SOS call! No, it’s not the worst cracker joke in the world, it’s Sean’s way of sharing his charity sponsorship for 2024!  Yes, Sean’s happy to announce SOS Entertainment is proud to sponsor the Pett Slip Buoys, the […]

Bouncy castle brings extra fun to charity fundraiser

SOS Entertainment bouncy castle hire donation for charity fundraiser

Sean recently received an enquiry for a bouncy castle hire at a charity fundraiser event. But this fundraiser turned out to be for a cause close to his heart, so our Sean offered the bouncy castle hire free of charge. CHARITY FUNDRAISER The event was being organised by customer Bethany, as a fundraiser for a […]

From Fun to Flu Vaccines – and Now Back Again!

Image shows Sean collecting the trailer after being used to deliver flu vaccines

Regular readers and customers will know that Sean’s usually one vehicle short of a full fleet at this time of year. And 2022’s been no exception as once again, Sean’s been helping the NHS with the loan of his party trailer.  Over the last month or so, Sean’s party trailer has been at Parkwood Surgery […]

Charity Fundraising at Bobby’s Birthday Ball

charity fundraising, Bobby's birthday ball

Sean’s been busy again, this time supporting a family with their charity fundraising – and making memories at the same time! So we’re pleased to share news of Bobby and his recent Birthday Ball! Most kids (and their families) are excited when their birthday comes around. In Bobby’s case though, Bobby’s birthdays are particularly exciting […]

SOS Charity Fun day for Isla Rose

Sean’s been busy again! Not content with working hard on the business side of things now that restrictions have lifted, he’s also doing his very best to help small charities which continue with fundraising struggles over the pandemic. And last weekend saw Sean in action again, setting up a Princess Play party in the village […]

SOS Charity Digital Conferencing by Day, Disco By Night

1p36 charity logo, sos entertainment supporting 1p36 family trust

Sean’s friends and SOS Entertainment customers will remember his huge efforts to help others during the pandemic last year. But even now in 2021, the effects of 2020 are being felt by charities across the UK. So, not content with last year’s marathon (and then some) charity bike ride, and loaning out his party van […]

Helping the NHS – The Party Van is Back

helping the NHS, coronavirus 2020

Whilst everything else has been restricted and locked down, Sean’s party van has been quietly busy! But instead of partying, it’s been helping the NHS!  Time for a final update … For the past month, one of the SOS Entertainment vans has been making itself useful at a GP surgery in Catford. The van’s been parked […]

Parked up & purposeful for NHS Flu Vaccines

nhs flu vaccines, pandemic support

The nation is currently very aware of health issues, so it’s time for an update on the SOS pandemic support to a GP surgery requiring extra space for administering NHS flu vaccines. We’re pleased to say that Sean’s offer to help out a GP surgery in Catford with the loan of our van is turning […]

SOS NHS Support

nhs support

Hot on the heels of his superb fundraiser for local charity, Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat, Sean’s hardly got his breath back before offering out his next helping hand … this time with a little NHS support. Because we’ve now moved into that time of year when it’s not just the coronavirus amongst us … […]

SOS Charity Support to the Rescue (Boat)

Time for another update on Sean’s #SOSpedal4plirb mission to give much needed charity support to Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat (PLIRB) – and Sean’s pleased to share that his solo fundraiser has ended in success! Yes, although the weather forecast was dire and strong winds were the feature of the day, Sean braved the elements […]

SOS Bike Ride for Charity – NEW DATE!

bike ride for charity 2020,

Time for another update on Sean’s #SOSpedal4plirb mission and there’s something to be aware of. That date? It just got updated! Yes, as is often the way with these things, an issue of clashed dates has arisen! But with his training and fundraising on his bike ride for charity going well, Sean decided to just […]

SOS Charity Bike Ride 2020 Update

SOS fundraising

So how are things going with Sean’s #SOSpedalforplirb endeavours? Well, as is the way of these things, first there was bad news, then there was good … As mentioned in the blog post where Sean announced his plan, his charity bike ride 2020 was to be part of September’s London to Brighton bike ride. By […]

SOS responds to a local charity SOS

local charity fundraising events, SOS, Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat

Whilst SOS Entertainment is surviving the situation caused by the party-pooping pandemic, many local charities face a real struggle. Certainly, the lockdown and restrictions on gatherings has left many local charity fundraising events cancelled indefinitely. This in turn means charities are left without the vital fundraising income they depend on to stay afloat. And this […]